Information2011. 10. 20. 15:39

  • Human error - accidental file deletion, over-writing of files etc.
  • Hardware failure - Disks that are used constantly, or have not been properly maintained may suffer from mechanical failure, over time heavy file-loading or new software can cause the system to shutdown or reboot, alternatively automatic file updates can cause a system to reboot when files are still open and in use.
  • Software corruption can also corrupt data files to make them inaccessible
  • Virus attacks - every day new viruses are released into the open, and anti-virus companies release updates to combat the problem. Virus attacks have been steadily on the increase causing business data to be ever more vulnerable.
  • Natural disasters - even with robust hardware, software and virus protection, the threat from fire and flood remains.

  • - dat roadmap

    Posted by [TheWon]