HW/OS2011. 8. 4. 16:08
      SC [\\server] [command] [service_name] [Options]

   server       : The machine where the service is running

   service_name : The KeyName of the service, this is often but not always
                  the same as the DisplayName shown in Control Panel, Services.
                  You can get the KeyName by running: 
                     SC GetKeyName <DisplayName>

          query  [qryOpt]   Show status
          queryEx [qryOpt]  Show extended info - pid, flags
          GetDisplayName    Show the DisplayName
          GetKeyName        Show the ServiceKeyName
          EnumDepend        Show Dependencies
          qc                Show config - dependencies, full path etc
          start          START a service.
          stop           STOP a service
          pause          PAUSE a service.
          continue       CONTINUE a service.
          create         Create a service. (add it to the registry)
          config         permanently change the service configuration
          delete         Delete a service (from the registry)
          control        Send a control to a service
          interrogate    Send an INTERROGATE control request to a service
          Qdescription   Query the description of a service
          description    Change the description of a service
          Qfailure       Query the actions taken by a service upon failure
          failure        Change the actions taken by a service upon failure
          sdShow         Display a service's security descriptor using SDDL
          SdSet          Sets a service's security descriptor using SDDL

          type= driver|service|all
                         Query specific types of service
          state= active|inactive|all
                         Query services in a particular state only
          bufsize= bytes 
          ri= resume_index_number (default=0)
          group= groupname
                         Query services in a particular group

   Misc commands that don't require a service name:
          SC  QueryLock  Query the LockStatus for the ServiceManager Database.
                         this will show if a service request is running
          SC  Lock       Lock the Service Database
          SC  BOOT       Values are {ok | bad} Indicates whether to save  
                         the last restart configuration as the `last-known-good`
                         restart configuration
     The CREATE and CONFIG commands allow additional options to be set
     see the build-in help: 'SC create' and 'SC config'

Note the qryOpt options above are case sensitive - they must be entered in lower case, also the position of spaces and = must be exactly as shown.

The SC command duplicates some aspects of the NET command but adds the ability to create a service.
SC query will display if a service is running, giving output like this:

        SERVICE_NAME       : messenger
        TYPE               : 20  WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

To retrieve specific information from SC's output, pipe into FIND or FindStr

  C:\> SC query messenger | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED"

  C:\> SC query messenger | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING"

The statements above will return an %ERRORLEVEL% = 1 if the text is not found

IF errorlevel 1 GOTO :my_subroutine

The NET START command can be used in a similar way to check if a service is running:

   NET START | FIND "Service name" > nul
   IF errorlevel 1 ECHO The service is not running

The service control manager will normally wait up to 30 seconds to allow a service to start - you can modify this time (30,000 milliseconds) in the registry

ServicesPipeTimeout (REG_DWORD)

Some options only take effect at the point when the service is started e.g. the SC config command allows the executable of a service to be changed. When the service next starts up it will run the new executable. Config changes requires the current user to have “permission to configure the service”.


 SC GetKeyName "task scheduler"
 SC GetDisplayName schedule 
 SC start schedule
 SC QUERY schedule
 SC QUERY type= driver
 SC QUERY state= all |findstr "DISPLAY_NAME STATE" >svc_installed.txt 
 SC \\myServer CONFIG myService obj= LocalSystem password= mypassword
 SC CONFIG MyService binPath=c:\myprogram.exe obj=".\LocalSystem" password=""  

Watch out for extra spaces: 
SC QUERY state= all Works 
SC QUERY sTate =all Fails! 

"There is always room at the top" - Daniel Webster 


DELSRV - Delete a service 
INSTSRV - Install a service (run under a specific account)
NET - manage network resources
NETSVC - Command-line Service Controller (Win 2K ResKit)
PsService - View and control services
SCLIST - Display Services
Svcmon - Monitor services and raise an alert if they stop. (Win 2K ResKit
Svcacls - Service ACL Editor (Win 2K ResKit)
SUBINACL - Set service permissions 
WMIC SERVICE - WMI access to services
List of Windows Services 
Q251192 - Create a Windows Service using SC
Q166819 - Control Services Remotely
Q170738 - Debug a Windows Service
Powershell: Get-Service - Get a list of services
Equivalent bash command (Linux): nice - Change job scheduling priority

출처 : http://ss64.com/nt/sc.html 

Posted by [TheWon]