HW/OS2012. 3. 14. 13:41
– model and machinfo commands:
# model
ia64 hp server rx8800

# machinfo
CPU info: 
Memory: 81610 MB
Firmware info: 
Platform info: 
OS info: 

- disk information:
# ioscan -knfC disk

- lan cards information: 
# ioscan -C lan

- lun information: 
# ioscan -m lun

- EFI boot disk path: 
# ioscan -eN | grep -i efi

- hardware health – ie FC cards: 
# ioscan -P health -C fc

- full hardware listing:
# ioscan -f

- slot olrad – speed, occupancy, configuration:
# olrad -q

- lun wwid – scsimgr :
# scsimgr get_attr -a wwid -H 64000/0xfa00/0×2       
# scsimgr get_attr -a wwid all_lun

– print_manifest :
# print_manifest | more

- Support Tools Manager
      # cstm
         > map
         > sel dev 2
         > info
         > infolog   
- Storage WWN
# ioscan -kfnC fc OR ioscan -fnC fc
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd0

# ioscan -fknC processor | grep processor | wc -l
- CPU speed
# echo itick_per_user/D | adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/mem | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'
- memory
# value=`dmesg | grep Physical | grep Kbytes | awk '{print $2}'` 
# expr $value / 1024 
- disk
# ioscan -fknC disk | grep disk | grep -v "CD-ROM" | grep -v "DVD-ROM" | wc -l 
# hwpath=`ioscan -fknC disk | grep disk | grep -v "CD-ROM" | grep -v "DVD-ROM" | head -1` 
# name=`ioscan -fkn -H $hwpath | grep "/rdsk/" | awk '{print $2}'` 
# value=`diskinfo $name | awk '/size:/ {print $2}'` 
# expr $value / 1024 

Posted by [TheWon]
Cluster/HA2012. 2. 22. 13:53
cmapplyconf -C ${config} Applies the configuration files checked above. Appears to repeat the configuration file checks, so checking them first may be redundant. -P ${config} -p ${file}

cmcheckconf -C ${config} Configuration file checker. The -C checks cluster configuration files; -Pchecks package configuration files, and the -p checks all the configuration files listed in ${file} -P ${config} -p ${file}

cmdeleteconf -p Removes cluster configuration information. Use the -p option to remove package definitions from the existing cluster. I imagine there's more options; however, that one would seem to be the most used.

cmgetconf -c ${cluster} Generates configuration files that generated the existing cluster or package. Useful for identifying current configurations and for replacing configuration files that have been wiped out. Probably a good idea to use this to generate a config file to edit vs trying to keep track of changes on all cluster nodes. -p ${pkg}

cmhaltcl [ -f ] Halts a cluster. If any pakcages are running and the -f option is not supplied, the command will fail and complain about the running packages. Using the -f option will force the packages to halt before killing the cluster

cmhaltnode -f Halts a running node. Using the -f flag will switch any packages running on that particular node to an adoptive node. This command does not disable the global switch for any affected packages.

cmmakepkg -p ${config} Generates package configuration an run/halt scripts. The files generated must be edited prior to use. -p = package configuration while -s = run/halt script. -s ${script}

cmquerycl -n ${node} Use this command to set up the initial cluster configuration. Add a -noption for each node in the nascent cluster. The -C option specifies the cluster configuration file and the -v option requests verbose output. -C ${config} -v

cmruncl   Starts up the cluster software and any configured packages on their primary nodes. cmrunnode   Activate a previously halted node. DO NOT use this command to start up a cluster as the cluster reform process will hang. See "Hung cluster reformation" for solution to this problem.

cmscancl -s More detailed display of cluster configuration and status. -o will output to a file; -n will display information on ${node} only, and -s will display to the screen. -o ${file} -n ${node}

cmviewcl -v, Primary method for checking on the health and status of a running cluster. With no command line arguments, the command will display the cluster status (up/down) and the nodes that are attached and their status. -v = verbose with fairly obvious results. Adding other modifiers, such as -p will limit the display to the specific subsystem requested (-p = packages>. use cmviewcl -vp ${pkg} to ID global and local switch settings. -p, -c (others?)

cmviewconf -o ${file} Displays cluster configuration information. If supplied with the -o ${file}option, will output the results to ${file}. It won't overwrite ${file} if it exists.
Posted by [TheWon]
HW/OS2012. 2. 22. 13:50

Checking cluster services and processes

Check the status of the following HACMP daemons:

  • The Cluster Manager (clstrmgrES) daemon
  • The Cluster Communications (clcomdES) daemon
  • The Cluster Information Program (clinfoES) daemon.

When these components are not responding normally, determine if the daemons are active on a cluster node. Use either the options on the SMIT System Management (C-SPOC) > Manage HACMP Services > Show Cluster Services panel or the lssrc command.

For example, to check on the status of all daemons under the control of the SRC, enter:

lssrc -a | grep active
 syslogdras 290990active
 sendmail  mail270484active
 inetd  tcpip  295106active
 snmpd  tcpip  303260active
 dpid2  tcpip  299162active
 hostmibd  tcpip  282812active
 aixmibdtcpip  278670active
 biodnfs 192646active
 rpc.statd nfs 254122 active
 rpc.lockd nfs 274584active
 writesrv  spooler250020active
 ctrmc  rsct98392 active
 clcomdES  clcomdES  204920active
 IBM.CSMAgentRMrsct_rm90268 active
 IBM.ServiceRM rsct_rm229510active
 IBM.ERRM  rsct_rm188602active
 emsvcs emsvcs 561188active
 emaixosemsvcs 557102active

To check on the status of all cluster daemons under the control of the SRC, enter: lssrc -g cluster

Note: When you use the -g flag with the lssrc command, the status information does not include the status of subsystems if they are inactive. If you need this information, use the -a flag instead. For more information on the lssrc command, see the man page.

To view additional information on the status of a daemon run the clcheck_server command. The clcheck_server command makes additional checks and retries beyond what is done by lssrc command. For more information, see the clcheck_server man page.

To determine whether the Cluster Manager is running, or if processes started by the Cluster Manager are currently running on a node, use the ps command.

For example, to determine whether the clstrmgrES daemon is running, enter:

ps -ef | grep clstrmgrES
root  18363  3346  3 11:02:05 -  10:20 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgrES
root  19028  19559 2 16:20:04 pts/10  0:00 grep clstrmgrES

Checking cluster services and processes

Check the status of the following HACMP daemons:

  • The Cluster Manager (clstrmgrES) daemon
  • The Cluster Communications (clcomdES) daemon
  • The Cluster Information Program (clinfoES) daemon.

When these components are not responding normally, determine if the daemons are active on a cluster node. Use either the options on the SMIT System Management (C-SPOC) > Manage HACMP Services > Show Cluster Services panel or the lssrc command.

For example, to check on the status of all daemons under the control of the SRC, enter:

lssrc -a | grep active
 syslogdras 290990active
 sendmail  mail270484active
 inetd  tcpip  295106active
 snmpd  tcpip  303260active
 dpid2  tcpip  299162active
 hostmibd  tcpip  282812active
 aixmibdtcpip  278670active
 biodnfs 192646active
 rpc.statd nfs 254122 active
 rpc.lockd nfs 274584active
 writesrv  spooler250020active
 ctrmc  rsct98392 active
 clcomdES  clcomdES  204920active
 IBM.CSMAgentRMrsct_rm90268 active
 IBM.ServiceRM rsct_rm229510active
 IBM.ERRM  rsct_rm188602active
 emsvcs emsvcs 561188active
 emaixosemsvcs 557102active

To check on the status of all cluster daemons under the control of the SRC, enter: lssrc -g cluster

Note: When you use the -g flag with the lssrc command, the status information does not include the status of subsystems if they are inactive. If you need this information, use the -a flag instead. For more information on the lssrc command, see the man page.

To view additional information on the status of a daemon run the clcheck_server command. The clcheck_server command makes additional checks and retries beyond what is done by lssrc command. For more information, see the clcheck_server man page.

To determine whether the Cluster Manager is running, or if processes started by the Cluster Manager are currently running on a node, use the ps command.

For example, to determine whether the clstrmgrES daemon is running, enter:

ps -ef | grep clstrmgrES
root  18363  3346  3 11:02:05 -  10:20 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgrES
root 19028 19559 2 16:20:04 pts/10 0:00 grep clstrmgrES
Posted by [TheWon]
Storage2012. 2. 11. 11:04


FC Cable 규격




































Posted by [TheWon]
Cluster/HA2012. 1. 27. 15:46
Support matrix / life cycle for IBM PowerHA (with a typical 3 year lifecycle):

End Of
HACMP 5.1 YES YES YES NO NO July 11, 2003 Sep 1, 2006
HACMP 5.2 YES YES YES NO NO July 16, 2004 Sep 30, 2007
HACMP 5.3 NO ML4+ ML2+ YES NO Aug 12, 2005 Sep 30, 2009
HACMP 5.4.0 NO TL8+ TL4+ NO NO July 28, 2006 Sep 30, 2011
HACMP 5.4.1 NO TL8+ TL4+ YES YES Sep 11, 2007 Sep 30, 2011
PowerHA 5.5 NO NO TL7+ TL2 SP1+ YES Nov 14, 2008 Apr 30, 2012
PowerHA 6.1 NO NO TL9+ TL2 SP1+ YES Oct 20, 2009 N/A
PowerHA 7.1 NO NO NO TL6+ YES Sep 10, 2010 N/A
PowerHA 7.1.1 NO NO NO TL7+ TL1+ Sep 10, 2010 N/A

Note: None of these versions is supported for AIX 4.3.3. Source: HACMP Version Compatibility Matrix
Posted by [TheWon]